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Who’s TABLE do you sit at?

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23‬:‭5

What does it mean when someone says they are preparing a table? Table preparation is done for the purpose of dining. The first revelation I recognise is that God the Lord Jesus prepares my dining table; since He is making and providing the food on my table, then I will NEVER lack! He is my PROVIDER.

Secondly, it is during dining hours around a table conversations in the house usually happen. For this reason quite often my mother since my young age would insist that we eat together every meal at the dining table. Fellowship happens at the prepared table and it matters who we dine with. Usually people dine only with close acquaintances, strangers don’t sit together to eat dinner. Likewise our God has prepared us an arena for fellowshipping with us.

It is even more mind blowing to know that God does this in the presence of the devil, He makes satan watch that we eat with Jesus. We share our hearts, our companionship and the enemy knows who is backing us up! Seeing this Fear strikes the enemy!

At the table of fellowship and intimacy, God anoints us with his Spirit (oil is used as a symbol of HolySpirit in the bible often). Holy Spirit guides, teaches, constantly accompanies, empowers us to overcome, and makes us naturally supernatural. The enemy cannot help but stay away as the anointing of God upon us scares him.

Additionally, God fills us with gladness, his cup of blessing is non stop continually pouring and overflowing into us! What kind of GRACE is this? It’s unfathomable!



I sit at the table with Lord JESUS

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